The British government launched the project “Icons of England” at the beginning of 2006. For two years thousands of people in England and abroad named the most important symbols of Great Britain. You’ll find the descriptions of the most popular symbols in this section. We are going to organize a poll asking the guests to answer the question: “What do you think are the most important symbols of Great Britain?”
Punch and Judy are characters from a traditional English puppet play. Mr Punch has a long hooked nose and a big chin. He argues with his wife Judy and other characters (including the policeman, the doctor, the hangman and the crocodile), shouting at them in a high voice and hitting them with his stick. He also has a dog called Toby. For those who grew up in England, Punch and Judy are familiar characters, and the story is loved by children and adults alike. You wouldn't believe it, but the Punch and Judy show has been entertaining people since the 17th century!